The Beloved Found Blaye, France +12 years oldRecommended minimum age ±1h30 minDuration of the mission ±1.5 kmDistance to travel Difficulty Your mission “ A temporal rift has just occurred! Jaufré Rudel, Lord of Blaye and renowned troubadour, found himself in the late...
The Battle of the Water Montpellier, France +10 years oldRecommended minimum age ±60 minDuration of the mission ±1.5 kmDistance to travel Difficulty Your mission “ The Montpellier aqueduct is in danger! Our information confirms a sabotage, in 1865, for the centenary...
In the footsteps of the disappeared Paris, France +12 years oldRecommended minimum age ±60 minDuration of the mission ±3 kmDistance to travel Difficulty Your mission “ We lost contact with one of our field officers during a mission in 1934. When his mission was over,...
Le mont tourmenté Le Mont-Saint-Michel, France +10 ansAge minimum conseillé ±60 minDurée de la mission ±1 kmDistance à parcourir Difficulté Votre mission “ Un agent Atlantide a disparu au cours d’une mission de contrôle le 17 juin 1548 au Mont Saint-Michel. Sans...
Save the agent Lunel, France +12 years oldRecommended minimum age ±60 minDuration of the mission ±1.5 kmDistance to travel Difficulty Your mission “ A contact agent from Atlantide has informed us that his field agent went missing on a mission to Lunel in 1912. We need...
Inauguration compromised Montpellier, France +12 years oldRecommended minimum age ±60 minDuration of the mission ±2 kmDistance to travel Difficulty Your mission “ In 2019, in Montpellier, a new contemporary museum opened: the “MO.CO. Hotel des...